Black Beauty (2016-18)

Created by Andy Cannon, Andy Manley and Shona Reppe

Venue: Traverse Theatre & touring
Company: Red Bridge Arts & Traverse Theatre
Director: Ian Cameron, Andy Cannon, Andy Manley and Shona Reppe
Designer: Shona Reppe

Photos: Mihaela Bodlovic

Black Beauty was originally presented at the Traverse Theatre in December 2016, followed by a Scottish tour in spring 2017. It ran at Lakeside Arts, Nottingham in December 2017, and played the New Victory Theatre, New York, in March 2018, It is currently touring to Perth, Galway, Edinburgh, Manchester and Glasgow.

Black Beauty won 2017 CATS Awards for Best Design and Best Show for Children and Young People


Press Quotes

Simon Wilkinson's lighting and David Trouton's sound design both envelope the stage, each capable of whisking it off to pastures new

Thom Dibdin, The Stage

Reppe’s design is inventive and ingenious and, together with Simon Wilkinson’s lighting, conjures up effects that constantly surprise and delight

Hugh Simpson, All Edinburgh Theatre